Even though I find Japanese culture interesting and the language entrancing, I'm far from being a Japanophile. Still, I've been obsessed with Japanese porn (especially porn manga) for several years already... and there's a reason for that. Several, actually. Japanese are so helplessly perverted you can usually find cool stuff if you look hard enough - I especially like how Japanese gay porn is almost inevitably non-con!
Here's a short anecdote that shows how Japan is undeniably superior when it comes to random naughtiness.
SanDisk, a manufacturer of memory sticks, saw fit to publish an ad inspired by classic console RPGs. It shows a typical old-school RPG shop and among options such as "strongest sword" (最強の剣) and "strongest armor" (最強の鎧), you choose to purchase the "strongest memory card" (最強のメモリーカード). The shopkeeper (店主), then, praises your choice, saying you have a sharp eye for picking the SanDisk memory card.
This ad alone would suffice to show how Japanese nerds do cool stuff. Where else would you find an ad like that?
But this post is about Japanese porn. So... if you look closely, you might notice the shopkeeper is a sexy chubby oyaji. This just cannot be ignored! Naturally, a couple Japanese otaku decided to draw gay fanart with the shopkeeper being sexually assaulted, having memory cards being shoved up his urethra and all that stuff.
(I suck at censoring)
Now, tell me: where else would you find pornographic fanart of a random character made up for a frigging memory stick add? That's Japanese porn for you.
Yield! Fall of Rome
3 hours ago